The United States Constitution offers protections for a whole range of civil liberties. It guarantees individuals the right to free speech, press, assembly, and religion. Equality in public places, and freedom from slavery or servitude is guaranteed. The constitution provides the right to vote. It promises protection from repression by individuals, social organizations or government. This is the foundation of civil rights and civil liberties upon which the practice of civil rights law is built.
Under no circumstances should the freedoms granted to you be violated, but if they are, a civil rights attorney can help. It is the primary commitment of a civil rights attorney to ensure a just society, free of discrimination and oppression, so that all individuals within the United States can fully participate and wholly thrive.
But civil rights law is a constantly changing landscape, with complex new issues emerging as American culture evolves and responds to new influences within the global community. Aiming to balance the competing interests of individuals and government, civil rights law is an important component of a healthy, just society. Discrimination can be insidious. Unfair practices that infringe on the rights and liberties of individuals can occur on many levels and run rampant, if left unchecked.
If you have been the victim of discrimination or unfair practices at your place of employment, in housing, in business affairs or within a social organization, you may need the counsel of a skilled civil rights attorney. Other civil rights matters include wrongful conviction, unlawful arrest, police brutality, shootings of civilians by law enforcement and unlawful search and seizure.